-Technology used: Asp.net, SQL Server, ReactJs, React Native-Online hotel booking system for users' travel. The system includes 3 main roles: Admin, Partner, Customer.
-Admin: Manage the revenue of the entire system in the year, view the number of users on the system, manage posts sharing users' experiences when traveling to a location on the system, manage hotels on the system including hotel revenue, hotel business registration applications on the system, manage user accounts on the system, manage promotional codes on the system, handle negative reviews reported by partners...
-Partner: Manage the revenue of the hotel you own, manage the pro le information of the hotel and personal information of the account you own, manage the rooms of the hotel you own, manage bookings belonging to the hotel you own, view reviews of users when booking and experiencing at the hotel you own and can report negative reviews that are intended to attack the reputation of the hotel for the admin to handle...
-Customer: Search for hotels by city Visit and lter hotels according to the standards and services you want, view room information of a hotel on the system, view user reviews of the hotel and can rate the hotel after experiencing the hotel where you booked a room, view room information of a hotel, the rooms and services that the hotel has, book and cancel rooms, manage pro le information of the account you own, review bookings on the system, cancel bookings, post experience posts on the system and manage them, receive and use voucher codes...
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Nguồn: Sharecode.vn
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